You are a 25-year-old ignorant moron!
Actually, with the complexity of the universe we live in the Flying Spaghetti Monster theory has more credence than the theory of evolution that we just appeared out of some gobbly-gooked prehistoric soup; starting off as some one celled life form and eventually becoming a 25 year old idiot student who thinks that he is creative!!
Charles H. Mavrogeorge, New Hampshire
*update* Charlie responds to some of the comments on this page:
Well, well. I struck a nerve amongst the educated ones. They object to my characterization of the writer as being an ‘ignorant moron.’ So sorry lads – and lasses as well! I mean no harm. I have thought about it and my words may have been too harsh. I would not really characterize anybody in that way normally; not without it being tongue-in-cheek. So sorry lads – and lasses!
No, it doesn’t take a great education to become completely empty inside. Nor does it take a great lack of it to become a faith-healer-visiting-tongue-speaking-rolling-on-the-floor fanatic. Both of these can occur anywhere between ignorance and higher education.
All I can say is consider the universe and life more closely – if for your own benefit. I am sorry that so many young people have bought into the notion of a meaningless life of chance and no purpose. It may play out well when you are in your 20s and feeling frisky but in the end it will only lead to lonliness, sadness, and despair. There is hope demonstrated in our universe. It is ever evolving and showing its glorious beginning and PURPOSE. It shows its remarkable design and points us to a place where we can have hope – hope that there is something beyond our educated minds.
My apologies – I did not mean to come across so harsh. Ignorant, maybe. A moron? Well others will have to be the judge of that.