This is crazy… I hope to god no one believes this at all… What magic crack you on dude? lol
YOU are a freak! Oh a DUMB one at that! You don’t know anything about intelligent design, (mainly because it takes an intelligent being to understand). I guess that leaves you out! – Greg Kent
Hi Bobby, I am totally receptive to your way of hiding from the truth. Till I had a real GOD encounter I thought…….well, nothing like you. I pray the next time you eat Italian you will have a revelation by the Holy Spirit. Be Blessed, JB
The problem you people have is that your understanding of theory doesn’t make sense. Basically you understand the universe coming into existance by “chance”. The thing that gets me is that you can’t show me a handfull of chance anymore than I can “prove” or show you God. Your theory basically states that, in a sense that a magician pulled a rabbit out of his hat without a rabbit, a hat, or even the magician himself. That’s really a great idea that can be proven??? When did this process stop? why aren’t the monkey’s at the zoo walking out to buy a house and get married and the rest? Where are the creatures coming out of the water to become the next “link” Why are so many evolution scientists leaving the Darwinian view of evolution, because it’s true? Look at the complexity of your body, the formation of stars in constellations above, the way nature works in itself when we don’t scew it up. How did that happen by “chance” Believe it or don’t, whatever, but both are based on a “faith”. One a faith in nothing, the other in the creator of all. My children were born (creation formed by 2 loving parent’s in the way described in the Bible) not evolved form stuff I grew in the pond outback that became a monkey, then my child. Can I explain it all? no,(that’s why it’s faith) but your ideas in evolution don’t make sense either and take just as much faith.