What does FSM theory, Naturalist science, and Intelligent Design all have in common?
You cannot prove ANY of them are truth.
Time has proven Naturalism and Darwinistic beliefs to be flawed, just as others have been. No one has a videotape of the beginning of the universe, and thus we have only theories. Theories are not FACT. They are conjecture based on assumptions.
Yet we embrace Naturalism as though it is fact with the most important fundamental question that could be asked: Where did we come from?
While FSM is effective in proving a point that Intelligent Design introduced into a school setting is highly questionable – I would also like to take it a step further and say it also proves how faulty Naturalist theories can be as well. Science needs to admit ignorance of FACT in this matter and simply say “We don’t know for sure,” and get over itself. After all, if Naturalism was indeed accurate and perfect as a theory…it would be a LAW.
Laws of science are all that need to be taught in the school system, otherwise the school system is pushing fact based on FAITH in a theory.
For all we know a Flying Spaghetti Monster created the universe with noodles.
And, Mr. Henderson, for all you know you may be going to hell.
Aaron Waggoner