Bobby, I recently visited your


I recently visited your site, and I seriously hope that you are just trying to be funny. I sincerely hope that nobody is that stupid to believe that there was a Flying Spaghetti Monster and openly call themselves “Pastafarians”. I would just to let you know that I think that it’s okay if you ate paint chips as a kid, or if you were dropped on your head, or even if you are just an idiot, that’s all okay, I’m not going to hold that against you. But I am going say that I think you should not be allowed to have an internet web site telling people about Flying Spaghetti Monsters that created the world. I think that is complete and utter madness. I would also like to say that while I was reading the contents of your site I shoved a spoon up my ass. Why? Because if I’m going to go through that kind of pain, I’m doing it to myself. Finally if I were you, I would hit myself in the crotch with mallet and delete the site.

