I just saw your fucking

I just saw your fucking website and you have to be the most screwed up mother fucker out there. Do you realize that people eat your fucking FSM everyday. This is the most stupid bullshit I have ever heard in my fucking life. I feel sorry for your parents because they have raised such a dumbass and if I were them I would never show my face again. If i ever meet up with you or one of your “followers” I will beat the living fucking hell out of them. You are so fucking stupid I don’t know how you made it to college much less out of preschool. One of theses days you are going to mess with the wrong person and they are going to slap the fuck out of you. Your pictures are stupid and the flying spaghetti monster is the ugliest fucking thing I have ever seen. I bet your just as fucking ugly as that damn thing is. That sort of monster would scare the hell out of any little kid in your preschool classes. Get a life you dumbass fucking idiot and then maybe you will see how stupid you really sound to the people that are not believeing in all this shit that you come up with. All your trying to do is get attention and obviously it’s working but in the opposite way you fuckhead. You probably never get laid because of your stupid ass suggestions. Hope you have the most fucked up life with your FSM beliving dumbass girlfriend that you get one day. MAYBE!! When that girl comes along and belives this shitn then she will be just as stupoid as your ass. Have a good day and hope that you have really fucked up kids. God Bless!

– sherlet davis