On going to Hell

Dear Mr. Henderson.

I would like to draw your attention to a couple of websites that may
enlighten you and our fellow FSM brethren;

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell, NorwayI am becoming increasingly confused when I keep reading the comments
many people leave on your website saying that we are all going to go to
Hell. While their offers are quite generous, I’m a bit hazy on the
details. Will they be supplying us with airfare and accommodations?
Will a rental car be provided, or will we be left to our own devices
once we arrive? And most importantly, in my mind, is the issue of
adequate clothing to protect us from the often bitter cold.

While I appreciate the instructions from nonbelievers the we should
“burn in Hell,” I think that we should go the extra step and make sure
to bring our own kindling and firewood since much of the forest floor
might be under snow and we might have trouble getting a proper fire

These are just a few of my concerns. I want this to be a pleasant
vacation for everyone who plans on attending!


Jon Neville
