Depoe Bay Treasure Hunt

[I received this email today about a treasure hunt in Depoe Bay (Oregon):]

Here’s a chance to spread the good word!

Here in Depoe Bay we’re doing our part in stopping global warming! Each year, pirates gather here in an effort to promote modern day pirattitude and help the earth … oh, yeah, AND to hunt for pirate treasure!

This year’s event is on Saturday, October 6th. We’d love to see a Pastafarian contingent in the big hunt. If you’d like to send a pirate team (or 2 … or 3 …), simply go to, fill out an entry form, and send it in!

Perhaps there’ll be a sighting of the Flying Spaghetti Monster here on the coast that day … ???

Piratically yours,

Madame Sarcasm
Chief High Mistress of All Treasure Hunt Clues

[It sounds very cool. I would like to note that had there been Pirate treasure hunts when I grew up in Oregon, I may never have left. If any Pastafarians make it out to the treasure hunt, please let me know how it was and send me pictures if possible. -bobby]

Click the picture to be taken to the Depoe Bay Treasure Hunt website.