Ceiling Tile Evangelism

I think they're all being subtley influenced by the FSM above

Beautiful work Matt and SlabCock

Back in May in the closing days of school, the Astronomy teacher at our school, aka Johnson, had his final for his class be to paint a ceiling tile of different galaxies, constellations, or anything Astronomical. Myself, who already took the class but had Johnson for 3 other hours, decided to paint one also. But i wouldnt be painting any stars, oh no… I found it necessary to paint the Almighty FSM.

After starting my project, my friend Slabcock said he would help also. I diligently worked on my portrait while the other students in the school were taking their writing finals.

With blood, sweat, and tears, it finally came around. It was directly put on display. Everyone was in awe of His Noodleiness. Johnson loved it also, and I put it smack dab in the middle of the room. On it had one simple message…

So for the years to come, He will be overlooking all and will be there for any inspiration.



Very nice, Matt, you do excellent work. Some of you will remember Matt and Slabcock from their earlier work.

The FSM and a Fake Mexican FSM Matt and Slabcock