Please keep sending me your photos, I’ll post them here.
Kyle and his Pirate Fish pumpkin
Billy’s pumpkin
Domenico’s pumpkin
Jeff’s pumpkin
Kevin and his pumpkin
Kevin’s pumpkin, close-up
Mark’s pumpkin
Mike’s pumpkin
Mike A’s pumpkin
Richard’s pumpkin
Timothy’s pumpkin.
Troy’s pumpkin
Dana’s costume
My Halloween costume this year was a roaring success! Walking from unenlightened home to home, I did my pastafarian duty by spreading the word of the Flying Spaghetti Monster to those with closed ears. “Blessed art thou, touched by His Noodly Appendage!” (Articulated noodles were a real boon.) I realize that preachers must wear full pirate regalia, but I hope an exception can be made when instead one appears in all the splendor of His Noodliness. Or perhaps it is sacrilegious and I should walk the plank!
This one was anonymously sent in.