I hadn’t even heard of this religion until my teacher mentioned it. I didn’t believe him until I looked it up. I’ve heard about weird alien religions and knew people believed in them, but this? I thought it was a joke. I read your ‘evidence’ and frankly, that wasn’t evidence. There is no proof, they didn’t say there was proof, and you’re not good at defending your faith if you include hate mail on your website. I find it very funny that you’re Spaghetti Bible or whatever won the COMEDY award. That shows what a big joke it is to other people. Can you even pull out proof that there ever was a Spaghetti Monster god? Like, fossilized noodles or something? No. Spaghetti is only a few centuries old, there can’t possibly be a god made of something that a human created, when supposidly the spaghetti created humans. This religion makes no sense. I think that if you belong to this church, you should evaluate what they’re teaching. That a giant ball of noodles somehow created the world. How can a pile of limp noodles even move? It can’t. If you belong to this, I’m sorry, but whoever created this website made it possible for people to comment on it, so I am. This is a brainless, hilarious religion, and I wouldn’t convert because frankly, I don’t believe that food created this world, or people. Too far-fetched and stupid.
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