I believe many non Pastafarians are missing the point…
I try not to be as condescending as some other pirates on this site, but there are extremists in all aspects of "religion". Deal with it. Truth be told, I get a little defensive too when my thoughts are criticized.
The reason I point out FSM to many people is to bring light to the absurdity that religion has taken. Most of the preaching you seen in the site is merely the regurgitation of other religions BS that we have had shoved down our throats since we were children. All we are doing is repackaging it and sending it back out. If you study religious history you will notice that this is the same way Christianity and many other religions came to be originally as well.
There are many redeeming qualities of the people of other religions and what they believe. I have many things in common with people who just want to do the right thing and “live and let live”. I just wish that people who preach other religions would realize that they, and the people that wrote the religions, are fallible and that there is a highly likely chance that no one here understands why we are here and exactly how we should be conducting ourselves. I would like to be able to live my life in a manner that I see fit without being persecuted. I am being persecuted by the overly religious and when I read this site I find that I am not the only one who feels that way.
Modern regions’ practice and doctrine is based on the brain power of men (no women’s opinions were even considered) who thought that the world was flat, the earth was the center of the universe, and that a good bleeding could pull the demons out of you. I think the human race is smarter and more evolved than that today. I do not know why people are so against thinking for themselves? I guess it is just easier to blindly follow.
I feel this site gives those of us that are tired of being pressured to believe in something that in our heart we have found to be childish and petty a way to finally come together and not feel so isolated in our feelings. Before this site, it was hard to express my frustration. Other religions already have mechanisms for this such as temples, and churches. This is site is a gathering place. I do not go into churches and criticize others for what they are doing. If you do not like this site, then don’t view it. I am sure I would get ridiculed and condemned if I were to walk into a church and start talking about how archaic and closed minded I think the belief system is. The members of the church would get defensive as do the members of this group when they are challenged.
I merely want to talk to and be around those that have the same moral values that I have. This is why we flock together in the same ways the larger “religions” do. So please let us have our space to be who we choose to be.
May the wisdom of the FSM be understood and enjoyed by all. Ramen.
-David Muck
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