Rally to restore sanity / March to keep fear alive

well played

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have just announced a rally for October 30th that we should take part in.  They’re calling it the “Rally to Restore Sanity” / the “March to Keep Fear Alive”.

It would be great if we can have a large Pastafarian presence to support the cause.  Perhaps we could have a meetup while we’re there? 

Here is some more info on the event:

The Daily Show announcement and event site

Colbert Report announcement and event site


I have a proposal for a meeting site for Pastafarians attending the Rally for Sanity on Saturday. Just north of the Rally site is the National Gallery of Art. Between the East and West buildings there is an open plaza with glass pyramids. I suggest we meet there at 11:00 am, and then stake out our spot for the noon rally. Admiral Qwerty, PKMKII and the UbiFamily from the forums are planning to attend, and hope there will be lots more Pirates coming aboard. Bring Signs!

Be there or Walk the Plank. YAAARRRGGH!

-Ubi Dubium