Here’s a nice article about the growth of the Church of the FSM in Australia. An interesting dynamic there is the every-five-year census that includes religious preference. The results of the census influence funding and social programs. Australia does not currently recognize the Church of the FSM as an “official” religion so Pastafarians are at a disadvantage. Still, it sounds like the situation is improving.
When Census night 2021 rolled around, Pirate Priestess Angela Carter and her husband Captain Colin “Cupcakes” Carter followed an instruction from their leader and selected the “no religion” option where the nationwide survey asked respondents about their religious affiliations.
Yet the Carters are actually among a growing number of Australians who consider themselves to be Pastafarians, or members of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
They are also ministers and owners of the only recognised church of their faith in the country, but they checked the “no religion” box because they didn’t want to be counted as Christians in the census.
Here is the article.