Author Archives: Bobby Henderson

Pastafarian minister Micheal Lusefovich is free

Great news — Pastafarian minister Micheal Lusefovich has been released from prison after nearly 2 years, and is currently living in Israel.

Micheal was the head of Russia’s Church of the FSM. He was charged unjustly for working with a democratic opposition group, Open Russia, that had been outlawed by the Russian government. The conviction was related to hosting lectures for independent election monitors, held at the premises of the Church of the FSM.

I am very happy to hear that he is free, living in Israel, and doing well.

Here is a message he has sent to us:

Vancouver says no Pirate Hats in ID photos, again

The fight continues. Vancouver’s ICBC department says Pirate Hats and Colanders are not acceptable religious headwear. Gary Smith of the Church of FSM of British Columbia has been battling the department for some time. I’m sure all of us are looking forward to the time when this department respects religious freedom.

“Ultimately, religion is a choice,” said Smith, the Canadian representative with the International Pastafarians’ Captains Conclave. “But not so much for members of a certain sect.”

ICBC doesn’t see it that way.

“We have advised Mr. Smith on numerous occasions that we do not recognize him as a member of a religious group that requires accommodation in the context of a service customarily available to the public under the British Columbia Human Rights Code,” ICBC said in a Jan. 24 statement to Glacier Media.


Please check out Jeremy Hainsworth’s excellent article about the dispute here at VancouverIsAwesome.

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays everyone. I wanted to remind people the Holiday e-Card machine is up. Also if you are stuck on gift ideas, please consider nominating someone to the Ministry.

Holiday e-Card Machine

Feel free to use the Holiday e-Card machine to send festive greetings to your friends and family.

There are a few designs available – this one is my favorite.

Gift an Ordination

You are welcome to nominate someone to the Ministry, if you feel they are ready for the immense responsibility. Order here

The Ordination packs are $49 including shipping and come with Certificiate, ID Card, and vinyl window decals