Author Archives: Bobby Henderson

Dear Mr. Henderson: I understand

Dear Mr. Henderson:

I understand that it is easy to poke fun at Creationists without endangering the shattering of your evolution fan tasty. Nevertheless I had hoped a man with your keen sense of humor and self-proclaimed desperation for employment) would get his fellow believers to sponsor him in a Quixotic quest for ten grand by winning the Life Science Prize.

Reality is that you have no evidence, not Star Wars, not swords, not pitchforks, not pointed shoes, nothing. When you failed to contend for the Life Science Prize it proves you are just another evolutionist who is all bluff and no science, or as they say in the Southwest, all hat and no ranch.

Your Flying Spaghetti Monsterism is closer to real science than evolutionism because spaghetti does exist. Evolution is completely absent in the universe today, always has been, always will be. Every item associated with humans, animals and plants are creations, always have been, always will be. Creation is science because it is observable by billions of people trillions of times, always has been, always will be.

Do you understand?

Sincerely, Karl Priest

Be very careful not to

Be very careful not to become blasphemous toward the teachings of the Lord, The Bible speaks very clearly about that subject.

Cute Idea, but; please put your efforts toward destroying the effects of the teachings of Darwinism.

Remember that without Salvation through the Blood Of Jesus all are condemned to an eternal death.

Please don’t be part of leading people away from the Lord’s Calling.

I pray that God will Bless you and yours, and give you wisdom in his time,

For it is in Jesus Name I pray, Amen.


Tim Norwood

Maybe you should spend a

Maybe you should spend a little less time mocking God and get a life. This isn’t science… Sorry if Christians were trying to bring peace and hope into this world. Go ahead and spead the rest of your life resisting/mocking your creater and when you die, you’ll find soul is stuck in eternity, without God. And if that doesn’t mean anything to you it sure means something to Satan. Why don’t you go watch the Passion of the Christ or the Exorcism of Emily Rose. Oh yeah, there’s a movie you would like coming out… The davinci code. Another mock of God… -john Quintiliani