Author Archives: Bobby Henderson

Aren’t you tired of being

Aren’t you tired of being a faceless and unimportant pawn for evil? Don’t be a tool. Whether you want to admit it or not you’re being used and controlled by evil. I bet that you really do believe in God and all of his good. It’s just that something in your past has hurt you so deeply that you’re angry because God let it happen and now you are turning on him. God lets bad things happen to people because this life is a test to see how you deal with problems, if you are good or evil and as a test to see how much you love Him. Everyone wonders what is life’s big secret? Why are we here? What is the meaning of life? I have the answer:

The golden rule. Treat others as you yourself would like to be treated. This is the essence of true love. Love is the ONLY THING THAT MATTERS. You’re life’s work, wealth and health are nothing without love. You will be rewarded or punished based upon your decisions. Are you going to lead the impressionable and the weak down a path that leads to nowhere? Or are you going to make a positive difference in this life? Even if you are not sure about God’s existence, wouldn’t you rather err on the side of Good? What is the harm in that? Don’t think for a second that I’m not sure, I am positive of His existence. To a believer, it is as obvious as your own existence. You do believe in yourself, right? Here’s another little tidbit:

You are an actual part of God.

Your website is a mockery of God and everything good he has done FOR YOU. If you think that you got to where you are now in life solely because of the decisions that you have made, think again. You have been guided. Now you have a choice. Denounce this website as an err in your judgment or you can continue to denounce God.

Non believers such as yourself put your faith in science and Proof. But how can one prove anything? How do I know that the sky is blue or water is wet or that I am typing this response? I can see the sky. I can feel the water. I can hear the keys being punched. I rely on my senses to show me what is real. It’s more than that though. I have FAITH in my senses to indicate the reality around me. There is no KNOW there is only BELIEVE.

I keep hearing that the more educated you are, the less likely one is to believe in God. That is true, up to a point. The top tier of intelligent people in the scientific community are starting to believe more in intelligent design i.e.-God. Physics has hit a wall. The explanations for 98% of the universe is beyond comprehension. Do some research and you will see what I’m talking about. Shit, science hasn’t even been able to reconcile quantum mechanics with relativity for 70 years!

It’s not too late to turn back. You believe in a lie perpetrated by someone who has expressed interest in the fall of humanity. I have a dare for you. Read the book “The Game of Life and How to Play”. It’s a short book with no mention of God in it, I promise. It was written in the 30’s by Florence Shovel Shin. One warning though: Once you read it, you can never go back. I read it 5 years ago and my life has changed for the better in too many ways to describe. There is no doubt.

So what’s it going to be? Stay on the path to nowhere or wrest control of your life back from- THEM? Forget the past. You have a chance to make a big difference or you can stay as one of the useless forgotten. Unless, that is, you already are one of them. In that case- have fun in hell. – Brian Gabel

You are a 25-year-old ignorant moron!

You are a 25-year-old ignorant moron!

Actually, with the complexity of the universe we live in the Flying Spaghetti Monster theory has more credence than the theory of evolution that we just appeared out of some gobbly-gooked prehistoric soup; starting off as some one celled life form and eventually becoming a 25 year old idiot student who thinks that he is creative!!

Charles H. Mavrogeorge, New Hampshire

*update* Charlie responds to some of the comments on this page:

Well, well. I struck a nerve amongst the educated ones. They object to my characterization of the writer as being an ‘ignorant moron.’ So sorry lads – and lasses as well! I mean no harm. I have thought about it and my words may have been too harsh. I would not really characterize anybody in that way normally; not without it being tongue-in-cheek. So sorry lads – and lasses!

No, it doesn’t take a great education to become completely empty inside. Nor does it take a great lack of it to become a faith-healer-visiting-tongue-speaking-rolling-on-the-floor fanatic. Both of these can occur anywhere between ignorance and higher education.

All I can say is consider the universe and life more closely – if for your own benefit. I am sorry that so many young people have bought into the notion of a meaningless life of chance and no purpose. It may play out well when you are in your 20s and feeling frisky but in the end it will only lead to lonliness, sadness, and despair. There is hope demonstrated in our universe. It is ever evolving and showing its glorious beginning and PURPOSE. It shows its remarkable design and points us to a place where we can have hope – hope that there is something beyond our educated minds.

My apologies – I did not mean to come across so harsh. Ignorant, maybe. A moron? Well others will have to be the judge of that.


i don’t believe this shit!!!

i don’t believe this shit!!! Why are you telling this ************ to all people all over the world??? You must be silly!!! This is only a gag. You might’nt believe! -Sebastian Fritz

Really, you should be ashamed of yourself. Its okay, I guess if you don’t want to believe in Creation. Oops, I didn’t use the politically correct moniker of “intelligent design.” However, you mock everything that Christians believe in. I noticed how in the story of your drug induced spaghetti monster you capitalize the name of your so called creator. Although I am not a perfect person and yes I do sin, I believe your opinion is blasphemous. I also realize that what I am writing to you will probably be scoffed at because you have already made up your mind that science has all of the answers, consider this: Science is largely theory and the test results can be manipulated every time to derive at a particular result. It is unfortunate that you must down grade something you don’t understand, but that’s okay. God gave you a brain and free will to decide what you want to do and whom you will follow. I just pray that you don’t burn all of your bridges before it is too late.

Your brother in Christ,

Eric E. House

P.S. I’ll pray for you with the hope that when you have children you are spared from losing them to some sort of tragedy. Because I know that if that happens to you, you will most certainly blame God and that simple act of blaming Him will result in your acknowlegment that He truly does exist.