Author Archives: Bobby Henderson

This part of your website

This part of your website interested me greatly:

“So.. to the majority members of the Kansas School Board: Why are you so hell-bent on this? Where are your supporters? Have them contact me, because I have yet to hear a single explanation of why faith-based theories should be taught in science classrooms.”

Are you really trying to make the argument that while creationism theories require absolute faith and have no scientific evidence behind them,(which I wouldnt argue) belief in the Big Bang theory of creation does not require equal or even greater faith? I think that is a very foolish, ignorant, and hypocritical standpoint, especially coming from someone who screams so loudly about impartiality.

Lets look at this more simply:

Theory A: All of the matter in the universe was created by an all powerful being (God in our case), everything that exists stems from his will and this is why we see so much purpose and logic in our world.

Theory B: All of the matter in the universe came to be through instant imacculate conception, and for SOME reason (note scientists even today can give no valid logical scientific basis for why or how such an event as the big bang would occur, just that it DID, again no faith required here) all of this matter exploded and created one big fucking universe. But this isnt even the end of this line of thinking, now we have to get down to the animal level here on earth. Science says there is a system called “natural selection”, so here science is claiming that there is actually an intelligent force driving the evolution of plants and animals on this planet. So in fact there is a creator, its called “mother nature”. This system/organism/being/creature/lifeforce whatever you want to call it, has been driving the survival needs of all creatures for quite some time, is responsible for creating US, the greatest living things we know to exist, and yet EVEN this “mother nature” cannot accept the title of God, because scientists wouldnt admit to it.

So in reality, not only are evolutionists worshipping another being, but they openly deny it at the same time. Please tell, what requires more faith.

My suggestion? Get all of this bullshit out of the schools, when you can prove something, you can teach it, until then, behave yourself.

Spencer Reesman

Mr. Henderson’s pseudo-Letter is smarmy, jejune, not humorous in the least, but incontrovertible scientific evidence that its author is, in fact, be the missing link between homo sapiens and lower primates.

[Corrected version of original e-mail immediately below. Please have the academic courtesy and decency to include only the corrected version on your website.]

“Mr. Henderson’s pseudo-Letter is smarmy, jejune, not humorous in the least, but incontrovertible scientific evidence that its author is, in fact, the missing link between homo sapiens and lower primates.”

-Alexander F. C. Webster, Ph.D.

Bobby: It is interesting that


It is interesting that evolution advocates use derision and sarcasm to deal with those who believe in intelligent design. They also seem to think that evolution is one unified belief. It is obvious that the theory of evolution is really less than a scientific theory. One can see that by the lack of intermediate species in the fossil record. Those who have a knee jerk response to competing theories show their real academic credentials. They are running scared because what they believe is shown to be fraudulent. I am always amazed at the lack of confidence scientist have in the theory they love so much.

James Bean

Hello To preface this e-mail

Hello To preface this e-mail I am a PhD student working on the urban ecology and the ecophysiology of bats and in principle I agree with the point your trying to make. However don’t you think that the incredible level of self important, smug, adolescent and culturally insensitive wiseass tone of your web site totally voided an otherwise good point? I realise of course that I am only encouraging it but sending an e-mail but I felt compelled to as web sites like yours only make it harder to bring science to the general public.

In my work I aim to help people live more sustainable and allow for wildlife in cities I do heaps of community education and I rely on support from people of all walks of life. It doesn’t matter to me what they believe. We need to work together not antagonise each other and I feel your web site with its mocking tone will only reinforce the idea that scientists believe they know all and have no respect for anything but themselves. While your original idea was fine you opened it up to abuse by every ignoramus on the internet and it is now not about what they teach in schools but about how Americans can jump on a band wagon they don’t even understand. Sorry but we already knew they were good at that. Please do feel free to post this, though I dont think you will, as I am sure there are others like me who are disappointed at the way your point has been made.

Regards Andrea

Andrea Dekrout Ph.D. Student University of Auckland