Author Archives: Bobby Henderson

I, Pastafari documentary now available for streaming

Great news, the Church of the FSM documentary I, Pastafari by Mike Arthur is now available for streaming on iTunes / Amazon / Google Play.

I was pleased with the way the film came out. Mike did an amazing job on a subject that is tricky to describe. The reviews have been great — people seem to get the message of the film (and maybe the Church of FSM in general).

Newsweek covered the film:

The irony of releasing the film in the midst of a pandemic as people are debating the science surrounding facts isn’t lost on Arthur. “Right now in the U.S., science is treated almost as another belief system,” he said. “We have a global pandemic right now, but people won’t listen to experts, because a too-large-to-ignore population of the country thinks that science is just an opinion, and Pastafarianism was really created based on this idea, based on exposing this false-equivalency.”

Read the full Newsweek article here

The Hollywood Reporter also put up a review:

I, Pastafari feels little urge to become a full-blown doc about church and state, and who can blame it? Like its heroes, it walks a fine line between pointing out the ridiculousness of the world’s creation myths and not wanting to insult those who use faith to aid and comfort their fellow humans. Given how often godlessness is repped by insufferably smug folks like Bill Maher and Ricky Gervais, it’s a relief to see the same points made by mild-mannered folk willing to sit in front of judges and lawmakers wearing salad strainers on their heads.

Read the full Hollywood Reporter article here

You can watch a clip from the film here:

To watch the documentary, you can go onto iTunes / Amazon Prime / Google Play and search “I, Pastafari”.

Direct link to the Amazon Prime Rental is here

Pastafarian Wine

Thy Noodle Come — Thy Sauce Be Yum — R’Amen

Thanks to Don for the photos of this Pastafarian Wine spotted in Australia. I’m afraid I don’t know too much about how this wine came to be. What do you guys think, was this inspired by the Flying Spaghetti Monster or just a coincidence? Anyone else come across it? Don said it was good.

PPE Is Accepted Pastafarian Religious Garb

safety first

I just wanted to make it clear that medical professionals are allowed and encouraged to wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).

The N95 and similar [1] masks are recognized by the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as acceptable alternative religious garb.

Religious texts tell us early Pastafarians wore bandanas and similar over their faces to protect against disease. They likely would have worn modern equipment had it been available in their time.

The right to wear religious garb at work is protected by state and federal laws.  Any church members who are denied their right to wear appropriate religious garb should consult with an attorney.  And let us know if we can help.

Let’s all stay safe.

Note- Some dispute whether the mask should go under or over the eye-patch. I would think under, but I am not a doctor nor do I wear an eye-patch. Beards also prevent the masks from sealing optimally. Also the man in the photo is a statue.

[1] Please consider all similar mask types as official holy garb: N95, N99, N100, P95, P99, P100, FFP1, FFP2, FFP3, KN95

It is the end of the world as we know it …

and I feel frustrated.

Frustrated at the government response, at the mis-information and propaganda surrounding the crisis, and at the few people taking advantage of the situation.

A few thoughts about the CoronaVirus pandemic:

It is serious: please follow the recommendations of the science community and health professionals. [Even though we Pastafarians are suspicious of “science”, better safe than sorry on this one.]

Pastafarian top tips for reducing the spread of the CoronaVirus:

  • Practice social distancing
  • Stay home if you can
  • Wash your hands
  • Dont excessively touch stranger’s faces and/or groins (the face of the pelvis)
  • Pirate-bandana can be used as a face-mask in a pinch but it is not ideal
  • Avoid social gatherings, yes even Church.

If I can shame a few reilgious leaders for a moment

I don’t want to talk shit about other religious leaders, and I’m not even saying most, or even many, religious groups are handling this crisis wrong … but some religious leaders are being so wildy irresponsible I’d like to mention them:

Maybe you’d like to sow a $91 seed.” Here’s Paula White, head of the White House’s Faith and Opportunity Initiative, selling spiritual protections against the coronavirus.

Here’s TeleEvangelist Kenneth Copeland curing his viewers of the virus through the television. I can’t stress this enough: do not under any circumstances touch this man’s hands.

TV Pastor Jim Bakker says his Silver Solution elixer will cure you of the CoronaVirus. Looks like he may get in trouble for fraud (again) for this.

Here’s Jerry Falwell Jr on Fox & Friends pushing a conspiracy theory that the coronavirus is a plot by the Chinese and North Koreans. Falwell was forced to shut down classes at his Liberty University when the Virginia governor limited crowd sizes.

“We’re raising up revivalists, not pansies”. Here’s a pastor encouraging people to shake hands.

Enought of that.

What should the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster do to help? Please send me suggestions here in the comments, twitter (@henderob) or email. Thanks!