If I was your creator

If I was your creator and you mocked me in this manner I couldn’t think of a hell hot enough for you. It is really sad to think that at Judgement you will be standing in front of God Almighty and he will look at you and say “Depart from me ye worker of iniquity, I never knew you” And to think, God let you be born, blessed you with health and love in your life and with what do you honor Him? With such vile mockeries of his Deity. I am sick to my stomach that my small babies will live in such a disgusting generation where God is no longer the source of strength and power. I should hope that as you mature, have children and they ever are in need of a miracle in their life, that you won’t know whose name to call on. I will. And miracle after miracle I have seen Him perform. It is no coincidence. When you invoke the name of JESUS, Miracles HAPPEN! I pray you find that miracle in your life soon. Read Acts 2:38. Oh I guess the Bible is all made up too, right. In that case, make sure u don’t let anyone get you a present this year! Joanna Rose

The only thing that surprises

The only thing that surprises me about your church is that people are actually paying attention to it. Of course, here I am writing you an e-mail. Although I’m not religious, I think that dipshits like yourself that mock the beliefs of others should be shot. You should get a girlfriend. The fact is (although I know that you’ll think this is ridiculous) that your beliefs are no less religious than Christians. One thing I’ve noticed about us evolutionists is that evolution serves the function of a religion for us. We want to believe in evolution just as much as christians want to believe that Jesus is god. Some of us, however, are reasonable and have nothing against religion or religious people, whereas obnoxious people like yourself make the rest of us look bad. Do you think you actually have the support of the scientific community? We repudiate people like yourself more than anyone else, including ID people. Not one of my professors would support this type of behavior. Some of the greatest thinkers in the world have been Christians. That does not make them right, but I’m pretty sure that there have been many Christians smarter than yourself. Dostoevsky & Kierkegaard for example possessed a genius that makes you and me both look like simpletons. I’m sure your self-involved enough to continue this mockery as long as people will pay attention, but don’t forget that your an amateur being praised by people whose beliefs are as influenced by non-rational forces as Christian’s beliefs are. You should do the rest of us a favor and shut the fuck up.

God Will Glady Accept You

God Will Glady Accept You Back Into His Arms

Dear Bobby, First of all I want to say you can have your own opinions and views. I respect that and think everyone should have this.

Now my father told me to go to your website to show me how stupid some people can be. You have mocked God, the very person that created you and everyone else on this planet. He gave you life and love but you have turned away from him.

Does promoting this lame religion help you in any way at all? In the end it will get you no where and you will never live with God for ever in heaven. This is not a real religion, it is a joke and if I were you or anyone else in this stupid thing I would leave now and go back to God.

Just remember God is forgiving and will gladly accept you back into his arms. Then you can live with him in heaven forever.

Thank You, Ann Elizabeth