No, buddy, YOU are the

No, buddy, YOU are the one who doesn’t have any “deep understanding of Jesus”! As a matter of fact, judging by your site, you have NO understanding of Him. You have put Him in a box, forcing Him to be who YOU think He is. So far, you’ve said absolutely nothing to convince me that what you’re doing with your nonsensical website and “science” talk is proper. I’ve checked out your “website” and on it, you’ve said nothing whatsoever about Jesus, and all you’re doing is making fun of Him by selling your ridiculous spaghetti idea as a “new religion”. I would like you to tell me how a “spaghetti” thing honors Christ! In my opinion, you’re right up there with that satanist in England who sells quirky “Jesus clocks” and T-shirts that show our Savior crucified, etc. Also, please tell me your version of why you think science is more important. From what I can tell, science has replaced the Bible in your eyes. Have you ever read the verse which says that anybody who adds to or subtracts from the Bible is headed for hell? If anything, science has proved the Bible true. See,, If you truly believe in Jesus, then you will stop this silliness and get right with God. These are the end times and when Jesus returns, I guarantee you He won’t be laughing about what you’re doing. He’s going to demand an explanation about the things you’ve been doing for Him as a supposed “believer” and judge you accordingly. He commands us to spread the GOSPEL, not some adolescent and ridiculous fantasies that make fun of Him in the name of making a buck! As for the supposed “Christians” who support your website, read Matthew 7:13. Most people will NOT be taking the narrow gate that leads to eternal life; most people will NOT be going to heaven because they’re “lukewarm” and will be spit out of Jesus’ mouth. The “Christians” who support you are going to be laughing out of the other side of their mouths once they’re trembling in His presence…. I am not bound by “dogma”. I am bound by the Word of God. I suggest you find out what that means.

Bobby The best or only

Bobby The best or only evidence the evolutionist has is a picture of somebody’s imagination of an ape evolving into a man. Where as the Bible has good science, He hangs the earth upon nothing Job 26:7. Archaeology with the discovery of people places and things backs the stories of the Bible. Prophesy like Isaiah 9:6 foretelling the coming of Jesus Christ seven hundred years before his birth. And if you know what to look for you can see prophecy taking shape today. Many more millions of people died because of the teaching of Darwin, than all the religious wars of the world combined throughout history. With the likes of Hitler, Lenin the two shooters of Columbine High, all strong believers in evolution. You know master race, survival of the fittest; we’re nothing but animals. Abortion homosexuality adultery rape steeling racism murder can all be justified through evolution. A religion of self, I got nobody to answer to but me. Where were the atheist organizations after Katrina? Or can anything good come out of the belief of evolution? How can a scientist that sees the complexity of the human body deny God? One of the greatest scientist that ever lived who believed in Noah’s flood and a literal six-day creation said, I study the Bible daily. And all my discoveries have been made in answer to prayer. Isaac Newton. The ninth commandment says thou shall not lie. What would a true evolutionist say? kevin  Dear Bobby, Ref your website at I sure would hate to be you on Judgment Day. You think God and the Bible are all a bunch of malarkey. Well, if that’s true, please explain why hundreds of Bible prophecies have already come true and are STILL unfolding before our very eyes…..

I read your little website,

I read your little website, and I have to admit that it was about the most lame religion I have ever heard. And you’re looking towards forcing that into schools? Pfh. That’s in direct violatoin to the constitution. Freedom of religion. And how would you take legal action? Get the president to force it? Like he would believe it. And how would congress back him up? The most you can do is assemble your little group of ‘believers’ and hold a rally or something. Christianity has millions more belivers than your religion and I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you realize that your FSM will be burning in hell. And all of it’s believers. But enough of the hate mail. Now on to the good stuff. The debate. You have said that you have many religious documents that support the fact that a Flying Bunch of noodles created the universe. I’d like to see these documents? Where are they? You show no proof. You say you have them. Yet where are they? It is one think to say you have them and another thing to show you have them. You show no proof of them. You just said you have them. Anyone can do that. It takes only a person with a brain and conscience to make up a thought like that one. Secondly, you say that there is a relation to the amount of pirates and an increase in global temperature. This is just coincidence. Scientists – that out number your believers – have actually proved, with science, that the increase in global temperature is in DIRECT relation to the release of certain gaseous pollutants that break up the Ozone layer which allows more heat to enter the earth’s atmosphere. Thirdly, the “Political Support” is just quotes from people you twisted to support your opinions. Yet, we have freedom of religion, so you may believe this bunch of crap you call religious. When you are done with this email, please delete it. You may add this to your dumb little site if you like. *The Person who PWN3D your So-Called-Religon* Jon Moths

Bobbie you are a cock

Bobbie you are a cock sucker;

I really needed help with some very heavy problems, and your piece of shit web site came up. Yes it was foolish to ask for help and guidance when things were so bad for me. Instead of finding something of value, I found you. You and your piece of shit web site interfered and gave me empty space. Be proud of yourself and eat shit and die. If I could find you right now, I would make that so. You are worthless trash in the scale of things. If you only tried to give something to the people who actually are so desperate that they would actually ask the question, ” God tell me what I should do” on the Internet, it could make a difference. So much for that idea. You do more harm with you nothingness that if you didn’t actually exist. I suggest you solve this problem with you existence. Make it stop.

Just a concerned viewer. And Yes, I am very pissed off. If you don’t like what I have said, just let me know where to find you. We can work it out. I have a feeling I will feel much better afterward.

George Esser –