Mr. Henderson, I hope you

Mr. Henderson,

I hope you do not think that putting the comments of the “wise” on your web page will cause the true believers to doubt our Savior. You can quote the scientific community and list the names of those who claim to have a PhD, but those of us who know the truth are only saddened that you are doing Satan’s work. You see Mr. Henderson there are 2 schools of thought that us simple Christians believe: one is that “Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the light” and those who believe, confess their sins, and live a Godly life will live forever in His kingdom, the other is that there is an enemy and he is also powerful (but not a match for our God) and those who support him (by not accepting the salvation that Christ’s death offered) will burn in hell. As there are different rewards in Heaven, I cannot help but believe that there will be different degrees of torture in the place that I will never know. And, I do believe that those who led the lambs astray will be faced with a death even more cruel than being thrown into a lake of fire, if you could imagine. You have obviously spent some time in The Word of God, as is indicated by your blasphemy. As a child of God, which you are, I feel the need to call your attention to the unforgivable sin, “blasphemy of the holy spirit”. I and many others in my congregation have prayed for your salvation, because even though you mock the God we serve, we are told “to pray for those who curse us”. I feel you are wasting the leadership and creativity that our Creator has given you. I beg of you to spend some time in Matthew and turn back before it is too late. Matthew warns us that those who lead children into sin may as well have a yoke put around them and drown in the sea. They only add to the those who will suffer in hell alongside them. If you died tomorrow Mr. Henderson where would you go? Would you just break down into the earth and that would be the last of you? If that is what you believe you are lying to yourself. I believe in us all is the innate knowledge that there is a Creator and a divine plan for our lives. I can only hope that one day you will be on our team and that you will be able to witness to others how you were once lost and in a dark and lonely place where you felt the need to drag others into, until the light was shown to you.

In God’s Love, Melissa Rayburn

When you look at your

When you look at your website and see what it is you’re advocating….do you ever just shit your pants a little bit? I only ask because i just viewed your website, and in the middle, I accidentally made a little poopy. Please help me figure out if this is a serious medical situation, or if it could just be from the fact that YOU’RE FUCKING RETARDED. Thank you. Dan P Lautersztain

Only in a land of

Only in a land of fairy tales and disney lands can people believe that “things” just poof “appear”.

Evolution uses monkeys, time and chance to explain how everything came to be. The fool says in his heart there is no God, so I will prove to you that you are that fool. Take the evolution theory (which is your only choice), rewind it in your mind until you get to the Big Bang…now pause. How did those original molecules come into being?

Poof, fairy tales…they just appeared out of nothing, nowhere.

Ok so who is the dummy here, me or you? I got reality on my side and you dont and here is the obvious point you missed though you stare at it everyday…: Complex objects dont appear from nothing, be it a car, airplane, computer chip they all have a designer and strenous efforts to make them, any slip in the manufacturing process screws it all up.

I have reality on my side…I believe in a Designer: God., the God of the Bible that explained creation to your ancestors and could to you but you are stubborn as heck, Id say even more then a mule.

There are NO transistionary fossils in the record (ie. half bird, half fish) The second law of thermo-dynamics conclude that everything is falling apart, not evolving into mor complex entities.

How come we still have Apes if they evolved into humans? Apes are there to show how foolish you evolutionists are.

YOu could hide behind your “I dont believe that, I simply believe in the meatball theory” Then my theory on you being a fool would be obviously clear and intact.

And if you still think you are so smart and wise,to be above a Biblical God theory, allowt me ask your wife how you really are and it should silence you.

David Dorozan