Category Archives: Arts and Crafts

amazing painting

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As an artist and a Pastafarian, I deemed it necessary to heed the calling of his noodliness and commence work to bring His glory to the two dimensional surface.

And I have used the principles of composition, of values, of line, and chromas, and I have painted pixels in his image. Blessed be the FSM for giving us the rules of composition!

And I arranged the masses of light and dark, and behold, they pleased His noodly Eye. Blessed be the FSM for creating contrasts in value!

And I cooked spaghetti for visual reference, and rendered His holy form, guided by His Noodly Appendage. And I have consumed the spaghetti, and rejuvenated by this holy communion, I placed the highlights upon his noodles. Blessed be the FSM for creating light and shadow, so that we could see our pasta!

And I placed colours and pirate regalia upon the army of His deciples, and behold, I spent many a day putting details in their midst. Praised be the FSM for showing us the way, for to err is human, but to Arr is Pirate.

R’amen brothers and sisters, may the image of His Noodliness please thy eye.

Pastafarian Miłek aka Ethically Challenged

Huge thanks to Milek … I was blown away when I saw this painting. Click on the picture for the full-resolution version.

above the workspace

Watching everything

As a deeply religious fellow Pastafarian, I feel as a divine duty to report the following wonderful miracle to you.

Today, exactly at 9:45AM, our Lord, the One and Almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster, appeared and floated above my workdesk for several seconds. After He touched me with His Noodly Appendage, he disappeared, but fortunately not fast enough for leaving no evidence after Him. I managed to grab my camera and take this beautiful photo just before he faded away into the heavenly skies!
Please let me share this miraculous sight with the rest of the world, for the sake of spreading the divvy idea of our Great Saviour!

Yours sincerely,

P.S.: by the way, the FSM doll was made (planked) from wool by my girlfriend and it’s hanging on a fishing string – probably scaring out the shit from anyone who’s not aware of it’s existence before entering the room :)