I received this ceramic FSM idol for my birthday from my good friend Lindsay Watson, and thought you might like to see it!
You have a good friend. That is very impressive.
I received this ceramic FSM idol for my birthday from my good friend Lindsay Watson, and thought you might like to see it!
You have a good friend. That is very impressive.
Terence sent us this:
J.D. Hutton aka Pontius Pirate came across this ancient fsm pottery:
The FSM has recently revealed Himself in an Israeli high school through a painting depicting the pre-creation state of the universe as portrayed in Genesis 1:2.
The high school students were given the assignment of creating an artistic work related to one of the stories from the Book of Genesis. A couple of students chose to paint their interpretation of the appearance of the universe before the biblical Creation (or, as literally translated from Hebrew, “chaos”). The noodly Lord was easily spotted in the painting only after it was hanged on the corridor wall. The work’s creators claim that the painting did not originally include the FSM:
“We didn’t paint Him, I swear. I have no idea how He got there,” one of them says.
This divine act of the Flying Spaghetti Monster has made many students recognize His existence, and many have converted to Pastafarianism. Some of the recently converted Pastafarians even believe that Israel is in fact the Holy Land of Pastafarianism, and they are already contemplating methods to eliminate the all Jews, Muslims and Christians in Israel who won’t agree to convert.
The FSM’s message is obvious. For many years the state of Israel has forced the Jewish religion and its studies upon Israeli students of Jewish descent by making it a compulsory subject for receiving a matriculation certificate. The school system in Israel starts teaching students the concepts of the Old Testament when they are very young and innocent, and every student must continue studying these religious stories, regardless of his beliefs. The Holy FSM, clearly, just wishes for Israeli students to be taught the true religion, Pastafarianism.
May we all be touched by His noodly appendage,
Submitted by Incognito.