Peter sent me these pictures of his friend’s Plymouth Valiant – with the Flying Spaghetti Monster clearly visible in frost.
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Pastafarian Nick brought this to my attention. I believe he’s the first to discover this hidden message in Kurt Vonnegut’s classic novel Slaughterhouse-Five.
First, a short description of the plot, courtesy of wikipedia: Slaughterhouse-Five spans the life of a man who has become unstuck in time. It is the story of Billy Pilgrim experiencing different time periods of his life, most notably his experience in World War II and his relationship with his family. The book is a series of seemingly random happenings that, in combination, present the thematic elements of the novel in an unraveling order.
Billy is kidnapped by aliens from the planet Tralfamadore, who exhibit him in a zoo along with a pornographic movie star. Tralfamadorians see in four dimensions, meaning they see time as well. They have therefore seen every moment of their lives already.
With that premise, take a look at Vonnegut’s description of how the all-seeing Tralfamadorians perceive time and space:
The heavens are filled with rarefied, luminous spaghetti.
Clearly, Vonnegut was a Pastafarian.
I’ve left the comments open on this post – I hope to hear some alternative interpretations of Vonnegut’s “luminous spaghetti” phrophecy. What do you think?
[I received this email from Jon, aka Hungry Hungry Hypocrite. I think he might be right. Please read his message, view the evidence, and decide for yourself. -bobby]
For the first time in my life, I am truly awake and can see the light. His Noodly Appendage has touched my soul and I am now resplendent in my pirate outfit, spreading the good word every Friday, Yarrrrr.
I now have an insatiable thirst for FSM truth and knowledge and have embarked on a quest to find further proof of His existence so that the one true faith can spread throughout the world.
Whilst searching online archives of the vaguest connection, I stumbled upon this primitive record, which I believe offers irrefutable proof not only of His existence, but that he may have sent little Noodly Angels to our world to spread his saucy love. It may also prove that HE may have visited himself in vaguely disguised form, or it shows a holy “duality” – the father and son. Perhaps it is the sons of FSM sent to live among us and save us from damnation. Only your wisdom can discern the truth.
Given the gravity of this discovery, I knew I should take this to the highest echelons of the church so this knowledge could be protected or disseminated before Dan Brown or some-other heretic tried to debunk it with their satanic, pasta-hating meddlings.
[He’s referring to Sesame Street’s Yip-Yips. Please take a look at the following pictures and videos.]
Videographic evidence:
The following is a picture which appears on a wall in the Deprung Monastery just outside of Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous Region, P.R.C. I think even nonBelievers will admit there is a startling resemblance to the FSM. I think we need further information on the painting’s history before we can determine what it means. Clearly the Tibetans knew something.
Thanks to nbpt for providing this picture.