Category Archives: Evidence

mouse neurons, the expanding universe, and the fsm

The New York Times has published a graphic which compares the strangely-similar image of mouse neurons, only micrometers wide, to an image of our expanding universe, billions of light years across. There is an obvious noodle-and-meatballs-like pattern to each, suggesting underlying intelligent design, which comes as no surprise to Pastafarians.

Link to the NYTimes graphic.

A scientist converts & evidence of HIS children

Thank you for helping me see the light! I must admit until I ran across your pages a few months ago I was a misguided by the pro-evolution, left wing, scientific darwanist dogma. However as a microbiologist, I began running across evidence of HIM wherever I turned (see attached). I have come to believe that HE has a special fondness for bacteria, especially of the genus Proteus! And since there are over 1000 times as many bacteria cells in and on our body perhaps we were created by HIM as vessels for THEM, his favored children the bacteria!
Christopher Schadt, Ph.D.



Talk like a pirate day

September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

This is important for a number of reasons, but for Pastafarians it provides a convenient source of pirate-behavior data to substantiate the Pirates Vs. Temperature correlation which serves as a keystone of our religion. We expect to see a considerable drop in temperature worldwide on Tuesday the 19th, due to the widespread pirate activity taking place.

I will be collecting quantitative temperature data via the interwebs, but if you have anecdotal (or specious) evidence of unseasonably cold weather, please describe it for us as a comment to this post.

Also, if you’ve done anything amazingly piratey today, please leave a comment about it. We all need to do our part to reverse Global Warming.

You can expect a thorough report of my findings on Wednesday or Thursday.
