Category Archives: Pirates

Pirates Vs. Ninjas: A study in memology

Wellington Grey has published a seminal report discussing a topic of much importance to recent memes: Pirates Vs. Ninjas.


Grey looks not only at weapons and fighting characteristics, but at environmental concerns and challenges faced by each groups.

Simple Harmonic Motion favors pirates: Fighting on a ship requires the combatants to move with the oscillations of the ship. Pirates would have a natural advantage in this environment.




Grey also looks at the influence of the FSM, Himself.


I recommend that anyone interested in a attaining a greater understanding of the issue take a look at the report.

Global Warming, Pirates, and the Rise of the FSM

The Cincinnati Beacon notices a relationship between global warming and pirates.

General consciousness about global warming seems to have reached a new critical mass, perhaps thanks to Al Gore’s movie and the growing awareness of green technologies.

But has anyone noticed, while more people become aware of global warming and take steps to combat it, that our culture has become filled with even more pirates? Pirates, in many ways, are experiencing a renaissance in America right now.

Read it here.