Basking in the florescent glow of the grocery store pasta aisle, the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s Noodley appendages shimmered like diamonds.
Basking in the florescent glow of the grocery store pasta aisle, the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s Noodley appendages shimmered like diamonds.
From this article on NPR it appears material scientists have stumbled upon the fundamental Truth of nature at the molecular level.
But perhaps not yet undertand what they’re seeing.
There’s one part of the molecule that doesn’t like the other part,” Bates says. So the one part of the molecule folds up into a sphere, forcing the other part to the outside, where it makes little tendrils. It resembles a hairy sphere.
I think what this work does is that it makes contact with something that is more universal than just plastics. It has the capacity to teach us how nature works,” he says.
And understanding how nature works is something all scientists strive for.
NPR article here.
Tony found this Pastafarian shrine in Ft Worth, Texas.
My brother Jake and I at the San Jose Bike Party Deity Ride. My boyfriend broke up with me after i made these costumes because they grossly offended his christian beliefs….