Category Archives: Sightings

4th of July sighting

Noodly Appendanges burning brightly

Bill sent this last night.  Did anyone else happen to spot the FSM?


While watching a lovely display of fireworks on the 4th of July, Our Noodly Master revealed himself not once, but TWICE! Truly, I have been blessed.


Barbara, San Jose California


The Flying Spaghetti Monster blessed us with his presence on the 4th of July, after burning an entire box of Piccolo Pete’s at once.


Brisbane airport endorsement

Recently at the Brisbane International Airport to fly out on holiday to the USA I was idly browsing the Airport touchscreen directory and thought I would share with you a curious observation. I can only conclude that the 4th symbol is the wheel of a pirate ship and that Pastafarianism is officially recognized by the Brisbane Airport Corporation.


Cleverly disguised


Clear as day.  Well spotted, Simon.

Only a few minutes later, Zlatko sent me this picture of the FSM at Dubai International Airport:

Very interesting.

FSM Race Car at LeMons 500

Chris Heerschap was nice enough to share these photos with us:

I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of the 24 hours of LeMons, but it’s a car race for cars of $500 or less.  Most all of the cars have some sort of theme, and my friends who entered my old car agreed on a FSM theme.  I though it was cool until I saw the car, at which point I realized it was truly divine:


I like the ambulance-style reversed lettering

Pirate-Fish (plural) abound

WWFSMD?   Who can say  ... he shows up in many unexpected places.

More Pirate-Fish.

I love the shirts.

And another FSM themed car? What a great event.

This must be Pastafarian country.

This particular race took place in Summit Point, WV. – part of a series ranging across the country.

This article at detnews has a pretty good explanation of what this race series is about.

With 23 events around the United States in 2010, this amateur series offers wheel-to-wheel competition, with all the burning cars and hot tempers found at professional races. The hitch is that no vehicle can cost more than $500. This is a race of clunkers.

LeMons, a play on the famous 24 hours of Le Mans in France (Lemons, get it?), is open to any would-be-racer/imbecile with the gumption to put together a junker and a team.

Sounds like a good time.