Category Archives: Sightings

Japan Manga Sighting


Very recently a comic in Japan published a story about a bizarre cult that ended in the creation of His (actually Her) Noodleyness. While comics there are full of tentacled monsters, the details are too exact to be anything but a call out. "It looks like spaghetti", inexplicably flying away with meaty balls, the cult god. I was thrilled that FSM has crossed cultural borders.


I can confirm that the FSM has been making the rounds. The Gospel was released in Japan some time ago.  I’ve been receiving emails from our neighbors across the Pacific regularly.

Faith Fighter sighting

Watching from the background, the only God who chooses not to fight.

David spotted the FSM in the flash game Faith Fighter.

I was playing with Jesus versus Mohammed and I did a screen capture when I saw the Flying Spaghetti Monster hovering in the background.

I have become  a true believer, I now call myself a Pastafarian!

-David O.

This game is pretty awesome, I have to say.  Each God has His own particular moves.  Here’s Jesus trying out the Holy Cross:

Cool hat.

It feels very much like the old Street Fighter games.  Good work Molleindustria – Fun AND sacrilegious.

You can play it here.