Category Archives: Sightings

flash mob sighting

flash mob

I was in severe need of cheering up today, so I was spending the afternoon watching videos of various performances by flash mobs, when I found this one.

I was feeling much better as I watched and giggled, but then I saw something that made me gasp and pause the video – His Noodliness had appeared in the video! Do you think he was there the whole time, or do you think he altered the video just for me?

Yours in Noddliness,

Halloween 2009 preview

Probably my favorite FSM pumpkin
Probably my favorite FSM pumpkin

Halloween is coming up in a few short weeks. Please send me photos of your FSM pumpkins, FSM costumes and any sightings of Pastafarian Missionaries or Saucy Wenches you come across.

The photo above and photos below are some highlights from past years.

The Beer Volcano
The Beer Volcano
The FSM or maybe a costume
The FSM or maybe a costume
FSM bless these wenches for spreading the Word
FSM bless these wenches for spreading the Word

A few links from previous years:

Collection of FSM Pumpkins

2006 Pumpkin Contest

Halloween Missionaries

Mexico sighting

work of art


We’re working hard at spreading the message of the Holy Flying Spaghetti Monster throughout Mexico and Latin America. You might know that the Virgin of Guadalupe is the holiest figure of the Mexican catholic religion – but things have changed. Now we know that the FSM is also present in one more of the many far away lands. Attached is an image of our findings. We hope you enjoy it!

Bendito sea el Monstruo de Spaghetti Volador! (blessed be the FSM).


Ana Pimentel, Diego Ramirez and Alfonso Ballesteros
Followers of the FSM in Mexico