Category Archives: Sightings

Another pasta Bible, what is this blasphemy?


When shopping in an organic food store in Leuven, Belgium, I spotted these Pasta Bibles next to Noodle based foods.

I was a bit fearful to read it, as I do not wish to be exposed possible fake literature contradicting the our Gospel.

After a quick review, I realized it was a picture book of His Noodlyness in many different manifestations.

Comes with descriptions in Dutch language on how exactly He was boiled for our sins.



Modern Art sighting


Hi Bobby, I believe that I have seen an admittedly rather lean representation of the FSM in London’s Tate Modern Art Gallery,  I have attached a photo for you.  The ‘work’ was created by Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) and is called Table with Accumulator 1958-85.  What can the mysterious reduction in His noodly appendages mean?  Seeing as today is a Friday, I shall be mostly eating spaghetti.  Ramen.
