I found this petroglyph (rock carving) at Newspaper Rock in Utah. These carvings date back thousands of years, possibly even predating pirates.
The evidence keeps mounting. Nice work, David.
I found this petroglyph (rock carving) at Newspaper Rock in Utah. These carvings date back thousands of years, possibly even predating pirates.
The evidence keeps mounting. Nice work, David.
When shopping in an organic food store in Leuven, Belgium, I spotted these Pasta Bibles next to Noodle based foods.
I was a bit fearful to read it, as I do not wish to be exposed possible fake literature contradicting the our Gospel.
After a quick review, I realized it was a picture book of His Noodlyness in many different manifestations.
Comes with descriptions in Dutch language on how exactly He was boiled for our sins.
Hi Bobby, I believe that I have seen an admittedly rather lean representation of the FSM in London’s Tate Modern Art Gallery, I have attached a photo for you. The ‘work’ was created by Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) and is called Table with Accumulator 1958-85. What can the mysterious reduction in His noodly appendages mean? Seeing as today is a Friday, I shall be mostly eating spaghetti. Ramen.
It is a miracle!!
While at a marine conservation workshop on the North Sea island of Sylt, His Holiness revealed himself to me. This is a picture of two forms on the low tide mud flats. Some people say they are worm burrows, but I know his Noodleyness when I see him.
Keeping up the fight and spreading the word while here in Germany,
Laura Bordelon